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Detoxifying Foods to Purify Your Body

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Our bodies can accumulate toxins from stress, environmental hormones, contaminated food, etc. To maintain our health, it is important to remove these toxins.
  • Foods such as honey, garlic, soybean paste, and ginger help detoxify the body, boost immunity, and maintain health.
  • We should make an effort to regularly consume easily accessible foods to remove toxins from our bodies and maintain our health.

※Poisons don't just come from outside. Waste products that accumulate in our bodies as
metabolism takes place also become poisons that remain in the body. Therefore,
it is important to prevent toxins as well as neutralize and excrete them properly.
There is a saying, "Food and medicine are the same origin." By constantly eating food,
we can purify our bodies, which is the ultimate detoxifier.

※This is the poison!
When we think of poison, we often think of nicotine and alcohol. However, the toxins that
accumulate in our bodies from daily life should not be ignored. StressMost
modern diseases start with stress. The human body originally has the ability to eliminate toxins on
its own. However, when stress builds up, immunity decreases, and the body's ability to
excrete accumulated toxins weakens. Positive thinking and mental relaxation are the most
essential factors in eliminating mental toxins.

※Environmental hormonesWhen metals and chemicals with toxicity enter our bodies,
body functions decline and immunity weakens. Heavy metals can accumulate in our bodies
through paint, glass, canned goods, etc. Environmental hormones from disposable containers,
various convenience goods, are also a health hazard. These toxic substances should not
be allowed to accumulate. ConstipationAn important step in detoxification takes place in the intestines.
For accumulated toxins to be excreted again, the intestines must be healthy. Even if other
organs in the body detoxify, if the intestines are not clean, toxins are reabsorbed into the body.
"Dongui Bogam" states that if the intestines are clean, the mind will be clear.
Harmful bacteria and gas in the intestines must be eliminated for the body to be cleansed.

※Contaminated foodFast food and greasy food constantly fatigue our bodies. Food that is not
properly digested and remains in the stomach and intestines produces toxins, and if it is not
properly excreted, the body becomes heavy and lethargic, and weight may increase for no
reason. Detoxifying foods rich in fiber should be used to absorb and excrete these waste products.
Fatigue liverCigarettes and alcohol are major causes of liver fatigue. The liver is the organ that
oversees the detoxification function of the body. Liver function directly and indirectly affects
all metabolic activities in the human body. Therefore, the liver must be healthy so that toxins
do not accumulate. Prevent liver fatigue through sufficient rest and proper nutrition.

※Food list for detoxification:
These are not foods that are difficult to obtain. We will look at the hidden detoxifying functions
of foods that we can easily access. HoneyHoney has excellent antibacterial properties, protecting
the body from various viruses. The potassium content of honey removes cholesterol and waste
products, neutralizing acidic blood. It soothes the stomach and has the ability to cure constipation.

1_ A cup of honey water when you are tired relieves hangovers and prevents toxins from accumulating in
the body. At this time, add honey to lukewarm water rather than boiling water.
2_ Chop jujubes finely and soak them in honey, then eat one spoonful at a time in the evening. Or,
drink it as tea to help relieve stress. 3_ Mix black sesame seeds, honey, and milk and eat it on an
empty stomach in the morning. This is good for people with constipation.

※GarlicCleanses the blood and improves metabolism. Vitamin B and glycogen relieve fatigue
accumulated in the liver and help relieve stress. It is also known as an anticancer food.

1_ Soaking garlic in honey and eating 12 cloves a day can have a tonic effect.
However, be careful as eating large amounts suddenly can irritate the stomach.
2_ In the case of raw garlic, eat 12 cloves a day, and in the case of cooked garlic or pickles, eat
2-4 pieces consistently.
3_ Eat a little bit often. If you want to eat it often, eliminating the spiciness and smell is
essential. Roasting it allows you to enjoy a nutty flavor without the smell.

※Soybean pasteSoybean paste is a food that is very effective in detoxifying the liver. It
strengthens liver function, which is good for eliminating toxins that have accumulated in the body.
It is also famous for its anticancer and anti-aging effects.

1_ Eating 3 or more bowls of soybean paste soup a day reduces the risk of breast cancer after
menopause. However, the problem here is the amount of salt. Eat thin soybean paste soup often
that is bland.
2_ Soybean paste has a high salt content and is deficient in vitamins A and C. Eating soybean
paste with chives solves this problem because the potassium in chives excretes salt and
supplements the vitamins lacking in soybean paste.
3_ If you smoke, make sure to eat soybean paste soup at least once a day.
GingerGinger eliminates bad energy from the body and excretes toxins from the body. It kills viruses
and builds up resistance to bacteria, unlike artificial antibiotics.
It is effective for treating early colds and stomach ailments.

3_ It has excellent bactericidal effects, so it is eaten with sashimi. It can also be used to
prevent food poisoning when cooking meat.
4_ Make porridge with glutinous rice and eat it. It helps strengthen stomach function and
improve metabolism. 3 slices of ginger and 2 jujubes

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