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20 Cool Conversation Techniques

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • To make a strong impression on the other person, it is important to express yourself using your whole body, and bright expression and eye contact help to make a good impression.
  • Conversations should be made with clear pronunciation and appropriate voice tone so that the other person can hear, and a good first impression is essential for a successful conversation.
  • It is important to actively deliver messages to help the other person understand, maintain a horizontal relationship, and continue the conversation.

1. Express yourself with your whole body when speaking
Speaking and listening are both about directly facing and giving and receiving.
Therefore, you need to express yourself with your whole body to make a strong impression on the other person.
If the atmosphere is stagnant during a conversation, even if you have to force yourself to be cheerful,
Acting and smiling will make the atmosphere much better.
Because conversations are not just made through words.
2. Smiling face and sullen face
No matter how fluent you are, if your facial expressions are dark or not bright,
The other person will be wary. A bright expression brightens the other person and
Even your own heart.
3. The basic of conversation is to make eye contact
If you look away when talking, the other person will be flustered
and you won't be able to build a good relationship.
You need to look at the other person and make eye contact so that your hearts
connect and the story becomes exciting. If you look at different places,
 The conversation atmosphere will inevitably become awkward.
 4. Change the tone of your voice
Conversation is first and foremost about making sure the other person can hear you.
However, it is rude to talk loudly from the beginning to the end. The volume of your voice should be appropriate,
and your voice should have intonation,
You also need to practice speaking with clear pronunciation.
 5. People with a good first impression succeed
A person's impression is determined at the first meeting.
The words of a person with a good first impression are received favorably and
listened to attentively.
When talking, have a smiling expression, good manners,
and make an effort to make a good first impression.
6. Make the other person understand
When speaking, you need to make an effort to actively deliver the message so that the other person can understand.
 Therefore, you need to talk while confirming that the other person is listening to your
Because a story is only possible if someone is listening.
7. People who can have horizontal conversations
For the give and take of speaking and listening to work well, the
horizontal relationship between the people having the conversation is essential.
The characteristic of classroom conversation is inequality.
Because that is the relationship between the teacher and the students.
Therefore, the teacher needs to find a way to overcome the advantage in classroom conversation.
Moreover, a boss needs to make an effort for horizontal communication with subordinates, rather than scolding them.
8. How to skillfully greet someone
Greeting someone is when you start a conversation with them.
Proper greetings are the first step in building good relationships.
Greetings are always my
It is very important to be able to do it first, according to the other person's situation.
9. Do this when the conversation breaks down
Many people are flustered when the conversation breaks down and there is a moment of silence.
At this time, it is a good idea to not rush and wait for the other person to speak. It is also good to find a common topic to talk about.
Food, drinks, knowledge, information, transportation, weather, hobbies, friends, health, beauty, travel, etc. are
good common topics of conversation.
10. Be careful of habitual words
When speaking or agreeing with someone,
there are words that unconsciously keep popping out of your mouth.
However, habitual words that are irrelevant to the content of the conversation should be corrected quickly.
This is so, first of all, anyway,
Now are not helpful habits of speech.
11. Open the other person's heart at the first meeting
It is difficult to open the conversation when it is the first time you meet because you are both wary.
At this time, it is good to first create a bright atmosphere and use the other person's interests as
a topic of conversation. To capture the other person's heart,
It is important to gather information in advance, understand the situation well, and always have a smile
on your face and be polite.
12. Do this when you're being cursed at
When you're 1000 angry, it's best not to retaliate right away.
Take a deep breath, take a break, and calmly think about a solution.
If you get emotional, you'll lose.
13. Explain it easily
Many people think that explaining something to someone else is presumptuous.
But we need the ability to explain things in an understandable way.
If you learn the skill of explaining, you can talk so that the other person can understand.
 14. Persuasion methods that move people
People's emotions tend to rebel if you push them unilaterally.
It is wise to gradually lead the conversation so that the other person wants to do it on their own.
People cannot live alone.
But other people are not beings who move at my will.
It is necessary to have an attitude that strives to eliminate the distance between understanding and action.
Proverbs, maxims, and aphorisms sometimes have the power to move people.
It is necessary to have the attitude of using them appropriately.
 15. Words that lead to the desired outcome
People who are skilled at asking favors appropriately share work with others
and play a role in utilizing the abilities of others.
When asking a favor, it is a good way to ask with a full heart of expectation for the other person.
“I believe that if it's the manager, you will definitely solve it.”
“Please share your wisdom with me.”
16. How to skillfully refuse
It's never easy to refuse someone's request.
You need to know how to skillfully refuse without hurting the other person's feelings.
When refusing, first apologize,
and clearly explain why you can't comply.
It is also good to create an environment where you can speak and then offer alternatives.
People who are good at talking are people who can refuse gently without hurting others.
17. Keep it short when giving warnings
Everyone has flaws and makes mistakes as they learn and grow.
That's why we need people to scold us for our mistakes.
However, you need to consider the following when scolding someone or giving them a warning.
First, you need to gently ease their resistance.
Second, create an atmosphere where they can accept the scolding.
Third, speak briefly in a bright tone.
In some cases, skillful scolding can deepen human relationships.
18. Aim for the right time to praise
Scolding and praising are both things you do to the other person.
It's said that praising is simpler than scolding, but is that really the case?
You need to think about it deeply.
To praise someone, you need to find their good points.
But it's not easy to find someone else's strengths.
This is why praising is difficult.
To find someone else's strengths,
① Don't use yourself as a standard.
② See the good side.
③ Have the heart to praise even what is taken for granted.
19. How to give a good impromptu speech
Anyone can be flustered if they are suddenly asked to give a speech.
But there is a way to overcome this.
① When attending a meeting, always prepare a speech.
② Find hints for your speech from observing the situation at hand and from other people's stories.
③ Start with self-introduction first.
 20. 'Humor' the lubricant of conversation
Humor is something that arises naturally, but it can also be created.
Humor creates a cheerful atmosphere and makes conversation more enjoyable.
When talking, it's good to memorize humor materials and use them appropriately to be funny.
When telling jokes,
① Speak naturally.
② Don't add long explanations.
③ Keep the story short.
④ If the speaker laughs first, it will reduce the fun.
⑤ Don't force a laugh even if the joke doesn't work.
Source: [Top Korean Blog: Tistory]

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