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The Meaning of Living Slowly

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Slowness is an attitude that cultivates the ability to accept the world without forgetting oneself in a fast-paced world. Strolling leisurely, listening to others, and feeling boredom bring maturity to life.
  • Boredom is not about feeling affection for nothing, but about cherishing the little things in everyday life. Waiting means keeping the possibilities of the future open and having an open heart waiting for dreams to become reality.
  • Having a home in your heart and writing is a process of approaching your true self without embellishing yourself. Through this, you can find peace of mind and attachment to life.

All human unhappiness comes from one single thing,
that is, from not knowing how to stay quietly in a room.
-Pascal (Blaise Pascal 1623∼1662)

does not mean a mind lacking in agility or
a dull temperament.
It means that every one of our actions is important and
that no action should be rushed away from just because we need to get away,
it may mean that it should not be rushed away.

The attitude of slowness..
does not mean that one is unable to adapt to a fast pace.
Slowness is..
a firm determination not to rush time,
not to be swept away by the urging of time,
and it comes from a firm determination,
as well as the ability not to forget oneself while walking the path of life,
and a firm will to cultivate the ability to accept the world.

To stroll leisurely..
Take some time for yourself and go wherever your feet take you.
Even in a complicated city, if you walk leisurely without tension,
you will feel like you are in the forest.
You are walking without any thoughts or purpose,
but you will find yourself deeply thinking about your own existence,
discover yourself,
and you will even feel a sense of secret happiness.
To listen..
Most people like to talk more than listen,
but it is also important to quietly listen to the voices of others.
To listen to someone else's words is
to forget your own existence.
Refrain from rushing to answer
and immerse yourself in other people's stories,
you will gain more
and life will mature accordingly.
To be bored..
Boredom is..
not about not feeling affection for anything, but about cherishing the little things in everyday life.
Let's stand back from all the things that imprison us,
with a leisurely mind,
stretch out comfortably and take a satisfying yawn.
However, boredom is..
to live in the world more sincerely, so
let's not forget that it should always be controlled.
To wait..
Let's have a mindset that the free and infinitely vast possibilities of the future
are open to you.
It takes time for what I dream of to come into my life.
Wait with an open mind without being impatient
and the future will soon unfold before your eyes.
To cherish your hometown of the heart..
Let's recall the memories that have faded faintly from deep within our hearts.
The day I bathed naked in the stream,
the elementary school entrance ceremony where I cried from strangeness,
the dusty new road I walked hand-in-hand with my friends..
In the past traces, we
feel peace of mind and attachment to life.
To write..
Let's write down the voice of our hearts little by little so that the truth in our hearts can come alive.
To get closer to your true self..
patience and humility are required.
With the determination not to decorate oneself,
let's listen to the truth deep in our hearts.

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